
White lion st.augustine
White lion st.augustine

white lion st.augustine

The two ships captured and divided part of the Portuguese ship's African captives, under the aegis of Dutch letters of marque from Maurice, Prince of Orange. The White Lion, along with another privateer, the Treasurer, commanded by Daniel Elfrith, intercepted the São João Bautista on its way to modern-day Veracruz on the Gulf coast of New Spain (present-day Mexico).

white lion st.augustine

These particular enslaved Africans were taken on the Portuguese slave ship São João Bautista from Luanda, Angola, capital of the Portuguese settlements in Angola. The Africans on the White Lion were probably among the thousands who had been captured in 1618-1619 by a slave raiding force primarily consisting of African raiders, under nominal Portuguese leadership, who were at war with the Kingdom of Ndongo. Enslaved Africans were also part of the Spanish expedition to Florida in 1539 with Hernando de Soto, and in the 1565 founding of St. They escaped and are thought to have joined Native Americans, if they survived. In 1526 personnel in the expedition of Spanish explorer Lucas Vázquez de Ayllón that landed on the Georgia coast included enslaved Africans. The first enslaved African in North America was Estevanico, a Moor who participated in the Spanish Narváez expedition in 1527. They took captives in warfare and raids, sometimes adopting young women and children as members of their tribes, or keeping them as slaves to serve as workers. Slavery had been practiced among Native Americans before the European colonization of the Americas. Though the African captives were sold as indentured servants, the event is regarded as the start of slavery of Africans in colonial North America. The White Lion was an English privateer operating under a Dutch letter of marque which brought the first Africans to the English colony of Virginia in 1619, a year before the arrival of the Mayflower in New England. The White Lion is seen anchored in the background. A 1901 illustration of the landing of the first Africans in Virginia.

White lion st.augustine